Commercial Property Alliance - Investment Community

Our vibrant community serves those that are exploring investing and developing

Commercial Property Alliance is making property investment opportunities available through crowdfunding.  Connect to our extensive network of industry experts and investors and gain valuable investment and business insights.  Start building your investment portfolio, learning along the way. 

Whether you are looking to build your commercial property portfolio or make your money work harder for you, crowdfunding can help you reach your goals.  

Investing through the platform does more than just allow you diversify your property investment portfolio and buy into the vibrant UK property market.  Your investment supports developers and helps to create bespoke and much needed office space, medical centres, homes and more.  Much, much more.

Start by setting up your account today.  If you would like to invest using an ISA so that you can receive tax-free returns, click on the IFISA link when you have set up your main account.  To invest using your SSAS,  create a Trust account when prompted.

Create an account

By registering on our platform you are requesting to see the full offer and to be able to invest.

Please enter a valid email address. You will be asked to confirm this email address before logging into your account.

Minimum 8 characters

At least one number

One lowercase letter

One uppercase letter

Valid number

We want you to know exactly how investing with Simple Crowdfunding works and why we need your registration details. Please tick this box to show that you have read and agree to our investor terms & conditions.

We’d love to send you details of future project launches and updates about Simple Crowdfunding. We’ll send you this information by email.

How we use your personal data

We won't share your personal data with anyone else without informing you. For information about how Simple Crowdfunding uses and shares your personal data please refer to our privacy policy.

You can change your mind about whether or not to receive marketing emails from Simple Crowdfunding at any time by going to the marketing preferences page.

Please note that if you choose to opt out of receiving marketing emails you will still receive emails about the servicing of your investment account.
