Davin Poonwassie

Posted on 27 December 2019

I Simply did not know that


  • Davin Poonwassie, Co-founder, Simple Crowdfunding and Investor
  • What you do: Property Crowdfunding, offering P2P lending and equity finance
  • Location: Bracknell


  • What is the first thing you do when you wake up? – Cup of tea
  • Who inspires you and why? – Atuksha. Because she keeps going.  There is no challenge too big
  • One thing that is on your bucket list – Visit an active volcano
  • If you could have personally witnessed anything, what would it be? – All the wonderful things that happen on the planet
  • What was your first job? – Working at Wicks
  • What did you want to do/be when you were growing up?  Inventor 
  • What is the strangest thing that you have eaten/drunk?  Ferrero Rocher with tuna paste
  • Would you eat a bowl of crickets for £50,000? - Yep.

Quick Fire Round

  • What is the last picture you took on your phone? – Picture of a parking sign
  • Which do you use more?  Dictionary or thesaurus? - Dictionary
  • What does it take to make you say yes (something you love)? – It has to be for the right reason
  • Your favourite holiday location(s) – France and Switzerland ski slopes
  • Favourite food or drink – Lots
  • Favourite animal – All of them